Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The truth about furies...

A lot of people stereotype furies as people who like to dress up in animal suits and hump each other. I think I could debate this topic for hours, but let me just cut to the chase with this post. Being furry, actually opens up a new social world. Dressing up in a fur suit deletes your physical appearance, and allows you to socialize with others based off of sheer personality. Being furry also gives people an opportunity to live the life they want. You can create your own fur suit, make up a new name, personality, and be a whole different person. The person that they really want to be, that is. Sure, going back to the beginning of this article, their are people who are furry for all different reasons. And I have no problem with that. Some people give off bad examples, and others give off good. All i'm saying is that next time you see a furry, don't respond as you usually would. Get to know them.